kinetics 2007
05.05.07 | happenings
Human-power craft. Check. Music. Check. Lots of
beer. Check.
These were ingredients of spectacle at the 2007 KBCO Kinetics festival, where we were asked to serve as the media photographers (twist our arm!!!). IT WAS A BLAST! Pictures do not do justice, but may entice you to participate in next year's gala! See the complete Kinetics 2007 Gallery >>
One of the many human-powered boats during this hilarious race of the spirit, mind, and wits.
These were ingredients of spectacle at the 2007 KBCO Kinetics festival, where we were asked to serve as the media photographers (twist our arm!!!). IT WAS A BLAST! Pictures do not do justice, but may entice you to participate in next year's gala! See the complete Kinetics 2007 Gallery >>

One of the many human-powered boats during this hilarious race of the spirit, mind, and wits.