happy halloween

tara & justin

tara was so calm getting ready.

what a beautiful bride!

fallen leaves replaced flower petals in honor of the season. what a cool idea!

the first kiss.

guys deserve to be guys during the 'groomals.'

middle school guys don't dream of weddings like the girls do, but we sure like our cars! justin will get 'major props' for display of this poster-size photo in his army barracks. very guy-ish!

the cake decor stems back for generations. now that is tradition!

ever see a 3-year-old break dance?


the place felt like willy wonka's factory, with glass ceilings, palatable flowers, funky floating balloons, and a not-so chocolate river.

then we stumbled upon the 8pm water light show, on par with the legendary show at las vegas's bellagio.

and these reminded us a fireworks!

lindsay & taylor

check out the little streaks of rain backlit by the huge monster flood lights:

let's not forget calypso:

a tender, romantic moment:

look, ma, no photoshop! (green color created in camera by halogen lights)

we ended on a high note going for high-impact:

shadow shots are easy when you have good shadow models.

our final shot:

first snow of the season
a dashing pose with one ear up for decoration.

still walking on two legs.

snow tastes especially good for the yellow snow maker.

ears sometimes have a mind of their own.

dash hides, then realizes the game is no fun when he can be spotted.

both these images are straight out of the camera with denver's finest vizsla in action. even though we got only about 3 inches, the perspective of the shot offers a bit of an illusion.

care package!

mom also gifted us some spiffy orange halloween lights and a frankenstein inflatable door hanger doll, which dash 'tried' to be friends with, but that got nipped in the bud.

so, of course, he got all pissy and threw a temper-tantrum.

of course those puppy eyes make us give in....

so we give him a little cheese, which makes everything better. however, he still has to 'work' for the treat and wait for the official release command, "OK!"

levalley family

it got a little chilly outside, so we warmed up on the couch:

then the motley crue came out.

there's garrett:

and marissa with her pearly whites....

and with the not-so innocent look of a troublemaker!

cole in style.

and rachel.

and brad (we'll save this one for the cover of 'time' magazine).

then we cut the kids loose for some shenanigans and a little game of hide & seek. garrett seeks a good spot under the pool table.

garrett is found!

a favorite ball.

young gun cole with his GQ look.

and a priceless moment with garrett.

butler family

trouble in about 15 years. girls, be on the lookout!

rollercoaster emotions:

kids help remind us of the simple amazement of found objects in nature.

here's the parental reaction for the next shot....

which we'll break out again at his bachelor party in about 25 years!

don't worry, be happy:

piano man

cat & chris model shoot

the wonderful creative tools of photoshop can allow our creative visions to go from this:

to this with the right tools:

vail day 2. wishing well found

another dash discovery.... his bonehead nickname, 'dash board,' on some premium vail signage.

our leave-no-trace philosophy: 'take only photographs, leave only footprints, and shadows.'
dash in his 'hoppy state of being.'
busted, again.
"chairlift in the sky"... the name of the most
famous r. j. song you've never heard of.
vail day 1. bonkers in aspen groves
r. j. actually tried to not make this look like a
cheesy studio portrait, but failed miserably :).
dash's first steps.
happy hour for dash.
a shot I've always wanted, and now i can say we
got! vail in fall...
guilty as charged:
urban session in denver

the lensbaby 2.0 came through in this shot:

crystal in vogue:

moises kicked up a little water with his toes to add great effect.

becki & will

some newlywed gossip during communion.

the first kiss.

then the gang headed to red rocks amphitheater.... very COLORado!

becky ordered up not three, or five, but SEVEN different flavors of cake, which earned major points in our book. we were allowed to try each one and decided we liked them all.

the first dance.

becki and her dad, ken.

not a bird, not a plane, but a great toss!

a 'bling' sandwich.

diane & pete