Feb 2009
christie & luke: engagement
02.20.09 | engagements
luke & christie indulged in some
boulder-licious engagem-atastic off-the-charts
fun yesterday. my role? to make sure the camera
lens didn't melt.
luckily, nikon goods are as strong as the bond between luke & christie (no, nikon didn't pay me to say that :)
oodles more fun is in store for their august wedding and we can't wait to be apart of it :)
the bling vs. "who let the dogs out..."

christie likes cute little piggies.

i love this next sequence.

roof-top parking garages are prime ingredients for signature-photo goodness.
both cheer in opposite directions during college football.
luke played for cu-boulder and christine is a longhorn fan...
... yet they don't let football differences stand in the way of their love (all together now: AWWWWWWWWW :)
then we found a little pocket of light and madefunny scary faces.
fact: christie has a beautiful smile. fact: luke makes her smile.

luke + christie's hair =
click HERE to see a slideshow of more images.
luckily, nikon goods are as strong as the bond between luke & christie (no, nikon didn't pay me to say that :)
oodles more fun is in store for their august wedding and we can't wait to be apart of it :)

the bling vs. "who let the dogs out..."

christie likes cute little piggies.

i love this next sequence.

roof-top parking garages are prime ingredients for signature-photo goodness.

both cheer in opposite directions during college football.

luke played for cu-boulder and christine is a longhorn fan...

... yet they don't let football differences stand in the way of their love (all together now: AWWWWWWWWW :)

then we found a little pocket of light and made

fact: christie has a beautiful smile. fact: luke makes her smile.

luke + christie's hair =

click HERE to see a slideshow of more images.