coffee-shop class #7: creative editing
07.18.08 | coffee-shop

did the computer kill the creative photographer AND the darkroom?
in the next coffee-shop class, we'll discuss some of our creative editing techniques we use to build image style & branding along with some of our simple editing recipes.
part 1: we'll cover the basics of using custom actions to polish an image including custom retouching. we'll show you first hand how we work, offering tips & tricks along the way.
part 2: we'll explore the process of building your own secret recipes to help streamline workflow and create consistency. among our arsenal of creative tools, we'll show you just how we use the tools of kevin kubota and the boutwell's totally rad actions along with their latest edition, tra2, the revenge.
who: those wanting to some advanced photoshop ps3 tricks to retouching and creatively enhancing images
when: wednesday, july 23, 2008 from 5:00 - 6:30 pm
where: Ink! Coffee, 1590 little raven street in denver, 80202. for those who like
why: to teach and learn and have fun, plus an opportunity to network with other denver photographers
cost: *free,* as always.
what to bring: (optional) images on disk you'd like to whip into something special
RSVP: in the comments section of the blog below. class size limited to 8 due to the size of the coffee shop & technical nature of the material.
homework: have a look at some uber cool totally rad actions recipes made by some of the industries finest here. then, hop on over to [b]ecker's blog to see some of his photoshop friday tutorials.
to learn more about the kern-photo 'coffee-shop class,' click HERE.
if you are lost, call r. j. kern of kern-photo at 303.474.0983.