jemez volcano in ojito wilderness
11.08.07 | travel &
tonight i decided to drive on out to capture some
great dramatic southwestern landscape in camera,
but just 'missed' the good light. i looked
forward to using 'golden hour' of natural light,
which occurs 30 minutes prior to sunset to 30
minutes post sunset/sunrise. usually, it is
during this time in which i capture the best
dramatic landscapes because the lighting in
fairly evenly lit and within a dynamic range
suitable for capture with a digital SLR. so when
i arrived at the white mesa trail in the ojito
wilderness, it was so quiet. i said some
special prayers for loved ones and it felt
like god was right there. here is the
handheld glimpse of the jemez volcano
backlit by the sunset (all images processed
sans photoshop effects).
when all else fails, grab the fisheye for a unique perspective. spot the jemez volcano far off in the distant in the right side of the photo. the vignetting is naturally created by the combination of the low light and the wide-angle perspective.
life is a highway. i dropped the ragtop on the rental pt cruiser convertible and did a little self-portrait heading back to the hotel. growing up my father had a convertible that instilled the sense of exuberance and as the wind blew my hair it felt as if we were flying at lighting speed. i was reminded of a similar experience a few years ago in san diego with nicole... hertz treated us to a black thunderbird convertible, which was the cherry on top of a killer vacation. insert nicole in passenger seat (and dash in the back seat) and life is good. (image was taken at f/2.8 ISO 1600 at 1/10 of a second handheld, which is a great lowlight action setup with our Nikon D-200)

when all else fails, grab the fisheye for a unique perspective. spot the jemez volcano far off in the distant in the right side of the photo. the vignetting is naturally created by the combination of the low light and the wide-angle perspective.

life is a highway. i dropped the ragtop on the rental pt cruiser convertible and did a little self-portrait heading back to the hotel. growing up my father had a convertible that instilled the sense of exuberance and as the wind blew my hair it felt as if we were flying at lighting speed. i was reminded of a similar experience a few years ago in san diego with nicole... hertz treated us to a black thunderbird convertible, which was the cherry on top of a killer vacation. insert nicole in passenger seat (and dash in the back seat) and life is good. (image was taken at f/2.8 ISO 1600 at 1/10 of a second handheld, which is a great lowlight action setup with our Nikon D-200)