great big OSP brouhaha
11.15.07 | happenings
i love photographer brouhahas, especially when
fellow OSP
photographers show & tell, share, and
play nice. isn't that what wedding
photography 2.0 is all about? that is
exactly what went down at the center avenue
imaging pad hosted by gracious shannon
kaple (a fellow nikonian!). too many to name
photographers were there, including a
long-time hero, chris humphreys,
all the way from cali (pictured below).
rumor has it [b]ecker is capable of doing self-portraits (while holding the camera) with 9 others, kinda like this. we easily beat him this evening with 11 and could have easily fit another 9.
thanks, guys, for a wonderful night (my nicole would have totally been there, but she had a major exam to study for).

rumor has it [b]ecker is capable of doing self-portraits (while holding the camera) with 9 others, kinda like this. we easily beat him this evening with 11 and could have easily fit another 9.

thanks, guys, for a wonderful night (my nicole would have totally been there, but she had a major exam to study for).