Tomte 9.0

For the ninth year in a row, the tomte antics continue. New to this holiday series? Discover the antics from 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018.

These holiday antics reflect the cheer, joy, triumph, and sentiment in our home and family. Many are symbolic, some continue to act out their persona from year to year inspired by the movie “Frozen 2,” skiing, brushing teeth, growing, taekwondo “Character Sheets,” learning to chop firewood, watching birds in the new bird feeder, enjoying art, making art, and just plain “checking out” while eating popcorn. We now how little ones who are starting to learn the ways of the tomato (and #tuppajoy has her first photo debut in this post… see if you can spot which one).

Most fun of all, this year we have a new member of the family, who is curious about these little creatures. He has even adopted one of his own!


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