Meet Viggo {newborn shoot}
Mr. Viggo at three weeks old was a champ during his newborn photography shoot in Oahu. This family has lots of reasons to smile this season!
When viewing at 100% zoom, my heart melts! The quality, detail, the realistic skin tonality from a 60-megapixel camera with amazing dynamic range give me goosebumps! And I’m sure will make any Mom melt! Here is zoomed in version of the above photo:
Zoomed out for a behind-the-scenes glimpse. Quality studio lighting is key to any professional photographer’s toolkit. And it sure helps to have one of the world’s best cameras to capture the detail. Photo below taken with iPhone so you can see the difference in skin tone & color rendering:
My secret to get a three-week-old baby to smile? I’d tell you, but Viggo would have to kill you with his cuteness.
Good thing for my UV lens filter, as it made a great pee protector!
Equipment used to make these newborn pictures in Hawaii: PhaseOne 645 DF Camera // PhaseOne IQ260 medium format digital back // 55 and 80mm f/2.8 LS lenses // Broncolor Move 1200L pack with MobiLED head // Elinchrom 39” Rotalux Deep Octa // Nikon D700 /// 24mm f/1.4 and 85mm f/1.4 lenses. And lots of love.