Burning Man 2012 {My personal experiences}
Of all the things in life we can’t control, there’s one thing for sure we can control: our attitude. We can choose a good attitude. Or a bad attitude. It’s 100% up to us. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing as cathartic as a good rant.
While I’m not great at math, I do know: Event + Attitude = Outcome.
Here’s proof:
What a difference two years can make! The above images are not a before & after that Photoshop can fake. This is life; illustrated by the power of attitude. Specifics aside, I’ll say it takes two people to make a relationship work and one person to break it apart. In 2010, I fell on the short end of the stick. It was the hardest thing I’ve been through. I often share with my peers and my clients my mother’s wisdom, “You plan for a marriage, not a wedding.” And as a wedding photographer, it was EFFIN’ brutal, especially while witnessing other couples pledge their vows weekend after weekend.
In 2010 I went to Burning Man and it re-enforced my perspectives. And I owe it to many early experiences in life of self-induced physical hardship. Climbing Mt. Rainer as a teenager. High school paper routes at 5:30am in 40-degree Seattle rain. Rowing four-years in college suffering through 5:45am morning crew practice. If you are a parent, you know the pain times three. Perhaps thick skin continues to be my super power (grown by hours of art critiques in college studios). And I’m happier than ever. And the Burning Man experience has made me stronger than ever.
That which does not kill us only makes us stronger.
True. Burning Man stretches and strengthens you emotionally and physically.
Burning Man is all about attitude. You choose to live in one of the harshest desert survival conditions on Earth. 110+ degree heat under intense sun, cold nights. No electricity or running water other than what you bring (or share). You literally have to bring your own shade, food, water, batteries, fun, to thrive. Dust storms may leave you with playa cough for weeks. And the price of admission at the gate: $350, if you are lucky. That doesn’t include travel expenses, gear, food, and opportunity cost from being so close to Labor Day weekend… one of the hottest times of the year to get married. If you choose to wear flip flops at Burning Man, after five days the alkaline dust will leave your feet cracked, bloodied. You won’t be able to walk the same. Yet, you’ll never return the same person after you leave. After all, Burning Man is a place where money means nothing, no one cares about status, and you can be anyone you want to be, and you never know who you might meet.
I chose to be me, a.k.a. Scout. I wore my actual Boy Scout uniform, which still fits. My parents have sewn my patches on over the years when I was a kid. And I live up to my oath. And I wear my grandfather’s hat. Proudly, a fellow camp-mate painted on pride stripes. And a gift of merit, I thank the Southern Ute tribe for my beaded neckerchief bolo I was given the day I was laid-off from an awesome corporate gig while teaching an ArcGIS workshop on tribal lands… but that is a different story.
“Can I help you fix your bike? Carry your ice? Help set up your tent? Take your picture?”, you’d often hear me ask these questions during my five days spent on the playa in 2012. I went as a participant, not an observer; willing to help others in need. And to document families at Burning Man of all different types. And re-connect with my fellow camp friends that mean so much to me.
I’m excited to share a few of my favorite images:
Thanks to Becker to grabbing this shot of me happy at the Black Rock Roller Disco:
Burning Man will make or break a relationship. The experience offers temptation, but also opportunities to stay true to yourself and strengthen relationships.
Seconds later, I turn and see a 150 others looking on:
Hand-built in college, my Klein mountain bike endured it’s second trip to the Black Rock Desert to help lug my photography gear for a personal project.
With the stealthy assistance of playa friends, we were able to secure a spot on coveted playa grounds: steps from Center Camp and the Esplande. It was a team effort to set-up camp in the dark on Sunday night, but well worth the effort. Becker, Nick, and Tony did a huge job on coordinating and executing our camp design.
Our camp mates were awesome, bringing gifts of photography, music, and Bloody Mary’s to indulge in a hot summer morning:
There’s no shade at Burning Man unless you bring it. A trio of large tents kept our camp cool, allowing others to join in. My tent contrasted with the clothes dryer, upper right.
Sometimes, little gifts would just show up at our camp:
A typical mid-afternoon day:
Our shade attracted all sorts of creatives, including this acapella group that surprised our camp with an amazing performance on our home turf:
Homegrown music remains one of my favorite times during downtime at camp. I loved listening to Nick Adams and album company owner Tony Bisson perform:
Lots of creative talent came together to help make our camp a success, including generators by the Canadian clan, Scott McCall’s chief engineering efforts for the grand stage, drinks by Lynanne, Chelle, and Signe, happiness therapy by Andrew, John Mireles being himself, fashion modeling by Ashley:
Becker always brings his A-game when it comes to wit, costumes, gumption, and a craving for bacon bacon bacon.
The girls that added panache to our camp:
Paul Hurschmann brought tons of positive energy on a visit to our camp. Thanks, Paul!
Our camp, Freaks:
Each evening, we all would ride our bikes out into the playa, dressed up with costumes, neon-decor, and a fun-attitude… one of my favorite pasttimes on the playa.
Biking is the best way to get around, even in large groups:
Seems like everywhere you turn there’s another art car with a fire-breathing dragon… kind of the stuff kid dreams are made of and allows for great photo ops of friends:
Our camp went to pain-staking efforts to ensure we saw what this camp had to offer:
Any group bike ride usually ended by waiting for someone at the port-a-potty:
The art on the playa gets better and better each year, both moving and still.
The temple remains one of my favorite places to photograph, especially with the emotion of what it represents.
And this year’s camp photo:
More Burning Man posts you might dig :
Kids & Families at Burning Man {and camera technicals}
Photography tips for Burning Man
Personal Project: Burning Man Couples in Love Photos
A Wedding at Burning Man
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