ode to my bro

One of the greatest things Moms adore is knowing their children are well and loving life…. what Mom wouldn’t want that, right? My bro and I are best friends and we spent an awesome time growing up in Seattle. When I moved away to college, the distance apart only grew us closer. Instead of bickering, Thanksgiving holidays were ‘100% bro bonding’ as we knew it, spending time away from our studies and indulging in home-cooked meals, working out in the gym, playing ping pong, and watching tons of movies (the looser of the ping pong series had to rent the next movie). Not too hard to guess who was the best man in both of our weddings?? We both relished the role.

Fast forward five years, we’re both married and live thousands of miles apart, seeing each other about once a year. For my birthday in Hawaii not long ago, he and his wife, Molly, served as awesome house guests and showed us what a Hawaiian lifestyle is all about… working hard, playing hard. Awesome times.

Smack dab against the mountains on Oahu, their garage-converted-gym serves as hard easy way to relieve stress at the end of the day.

My Army-tough bro, Sean:

Watching Sportscenter… then watching guy movies like Boondock Saints. What Irish Catholic brothers WOULDN’T watch that?wpid-NAK_16261.jpg

Eating grapefruit ranks as a favorite past-time of my little bro. Don’t understand.

The bros:

Carbo-reloading with some awesometastic fro-yo… which a bunch of toppings.

It’s a Jeep thing and I DO understand.

Here we are:

Seems like I’m the only one in the family that didn’t turn out as an MD or in the medical profession… and I wouldn’t want it any other way. He’s worked hard for this lab coat.

Comic-relief in the General Surgery Intern Call Room, thanks to Mr. David Hasselhoff.

On our final day at the beach, Nicole showed Sean some of her meticulously awesome human figure drawings on paper and iPhoned photos. Silly left-brainers.wpid-NAK_19281.jpg

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