11.19.08 | pooches
if there was an award for the world’s longest,
cutest eyelashes, dixie the schnauzer would take
grand prize. dixie brings a world of joy to
melissa jill. i got to meet
them both last night and had a wonderful
time talking photography with melissa. as we
drove around phoenix, dixie was such a
cuddle bug and sat so nicely on my lap, of
course alerting us to strangers
un-met friends on the street.
schnauzers have a legacy in the kern family. my father grew up with schnauzers. i can still remember the dog collar jingle (and the bark :) of my grandmother’s schnauzer, gretel, named from the german origin, ''hänsel und gretel.”
and if there was ever a united nations dog conference, our vizsla dash from hungary would probably sit right next to dixie from germany :)
dixie’s regal stride:
dixie runs to pick out her latest pattern and paw accessory as melissa watches in the background. gotta love those paws!
and we have a winner!
what a great model!
dixie is starting to take interest in boy dogs (she’s almost a teenager in doggie years). apparently, the stocky and stout breeds are just her type :)

dixie wasn’t a big fan of the stairs. i’d be a bit afraid, too, if i had to climb stairs up to my chin covered in dried bubble gum splotches as big as my feet.
what a happy team!
a favorite moment cast in the lingering rays of sunset.
schnauzers have a legacy in the kern family. my father grew up with schnauzers. i can still remember the dog collar jingle (and the bark :) of my grandmother’s schnauzer, gretel, named from the german origin, ''hänsel und gretel.”
and if there was ever a united nations dog conference, our vizsla dash from hungary would probably sit right next to dixie from germany :)

dixie’s regal stride:

dixie runs to pick out her latest pattern and paw accessory as melissa watches in the background. gotta love those paws!

and we have a winner!

what a great model!

dixie is starting to take interest in boy dogs (she’s almost a teenager in doggie years). apparently, the stocky and stout breeds are just her type :)

dixie wasn’t a big fan of the stairs. i’d be a bit afraid, too, if i had to climb stairs up to my chin covered in dried bubble gum splotches as big as my feet.

what a happy team!

a favorite moment cast in the lingering rays of sunset.