piano man
01.19.08 | vendor
brian of piano man music
and i got together recently to shoot him and
his instrument, the grand piano. brian is an
awesome pianist and awesme dj. he's got some
awesome original stuff brewing up in his
soul! while i was shooting, he was playing
song after song off the top of his head.
talk creative inspiration! fine music and
photography go hand and hand and we enjoy
working with him during weddings! here are a
few of our favorite portraits using just two
off-camera strobes for the creative

can you FEEL the music?

we had only short time at the church, so afterwards we heading to mcdonald's for their dollar menu. i grabbed these inside with my favorite nikon 85mm f/1.4 lens.:

can you FEEL the music?

we had only short time at the church, so afterwards we heading to mcdonald's for their dollar menu. i grabbed these inside with my favorite nikon 85mm f/1.4 lens.: